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It's time to change. Planting forest is the way.
To solve the problem of global warming scientists estimate that we have to plant 1 trillion trees.
Planting 1 trillion trees would be the simplest way to solve this problem. The problem is: planting trees is not that simple. If it were, they would already be planted.
A giant tree planting company plants an annual average of 42 million trees a year. At this speed, it would take 23,000 years to plant 1 trillion trees.
Brazil has deforested over the last 19 years approximately 68 million hectares and should plant by 2030 12 million hectares to comply with the Paris agreement. At this speed we will clear the forest in less than 100 years and take 23,000 years to plant what needs to be planted.
Other tree-planting fundraising projects are legal, but unfortunately they do not use professional methods to plant trees on an industrial scale, so it would take centuries to solve the planet’s problem. It’s important that they exist, of course, but we need professional, industrial-scale solutions to plant 1 trillion trees.
Mahogany Roraima has created a 100% automatic forest planting machine. With only 1 machine we can plant 16,000 trees every 4 hours, with only 3 operators, this is equivalent to 20 ha, ie 50 km in a straight line.
With 100 machines we can plant 1 trillion trees in just 14 years.
For this, we need your donation, to build planting machines, set up nurseries in all states of the legal Amazon, except Roraima, where we already have nursery and where we will start the project.
The “iPlantForest” project will be the first 100% transparent in the world, that is, we will present all the activities carried out by the project one by one. We will present the areas where we are planting via satellite, that’s right, you will be able to track all plantations via satellite, and you will have full access to project accounting. We will present all investments in detail (purchase of limestone, fertilizer, seedling production, labor costs, etc.). We want you to follow each phase of the project, day by day.
Donate and help plant trees on an industrial scale, NOW !!!